If you would like to support the type of shows and events we have produced over the last 60 years, Performing Arts of Woodstock would love to have you as a member. You can join securely on-line by using the PayPal link below.
Every membership entitles you to mailings, voting rights, and a listing in the program.
Additionally, every member ticket you purchase to a PAW production will be only $20
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Single Member: $50
Senior/Student: $45
Couple: $90
Senior/Student Couple: $85
Patron: $150
Sponsor: $250
Angel: $500
Life: $1,000
Donations are tax deductible.
All memberships are good for 12 months.
Discounts cannot be combined with any other offer.
Advertise in our program booklets. Your ad will also appear several pages of our website.
Program Advertising Price List
1/8 Page —$150
1/4 Page — $200
1/2 Page —$300
Whole Page —$500
This ad will appear in the 3 programs of this, our 55th season. Your ad will also appear periodically on our website.