Future Productions

Performing Arts of Woodstock
Upcoming Productions

Dancing Lessons  |  by Mark St. Germain


Jan.17-Feb 9  |  preview  |  January 16

weekend performances:
Fri. & Sat. | 7:30 pm
Sundays | 1:30  pm


An Enemy of the People  |  by Henrik Ibsen

March 14- March 30
a coproduction with Troup Enigma
weekend performances:
Fri. & Sat. | 7:30 pm
Sundays | 1:30  pm 


The Flick  |  by Annie Baker

May 16-30  |  preview  |  May 15 

weekend performances:
Fri. & Sat. | 7:30 pm
Sundays | 1:30  pm 

All performances at Mescal Hornbeck Community Center
56  Rock City Road  |  Woodstock.

Watch this space for more news